Titanium Suppressors: How Powder Metallurgy Reduces Costs & Increases Performance

Powder metallurgy (PM) offers some tremendous advantages in the manufacturing of titanium suppressors. In particular, titanium powder metallurgy (PMTi) offers the best mix of strength, temperature stability, and affordability. Let’s take a look at the challenges surrounding suppressor manufacturing, how titanium compares to other materials, and why PMTi has a competitive edge.

How to Significantly Reduce the Cost of Titanium Medical Devices

Titanium metal injection molding (TiMIM) is a viable and competitive manufacturing method for small, complex titanium components. Once regarded as unfeasible or prohibitively expensive, TiMIM is rapidly being adopted as a go-to forming method for mid to high volume titanium implants. This is especially true now, when the cost of titanium has risen by about 50%. The injection molding...

The Metal Injection Molding Process: How TiMIM Parts Are Manufactured

The titanium metal injection molding (TiMIM) process is a method of manufacturing near-net shape components at production volumes from titanium alloys. Unlike investment casting and additive manufacturing techniques, TiMIM has high density and low contamination potential, making it a preferred method for manufacturing medical implants, high-strength mechanical components, and other...

Titanium MIM Products: 4 of the Best Use Cases for TiMIM

Titanium metal injection molding (TiMIM) is a method for high volume, precision manufacturing of small parts. TiMIM is performed by mixing titanium powder with a binding agent to form a thermoplastic compound. The compound is injected into a mold using an automated injection molding machine. The part is then removed from the mold and heated to remove the binder and densify the part,...

Medical-Grade Titanium (& What Sets Our Titanium Products Apart)

While metal injection molding (MIM) techniques are widely used in the medical device industry, there are distinct advantages when using medical-grade titanium alloys. The titanium metal injection molding (TiMIM) process produces pore-free parts that provide better corrosion resistance and biocompatibility than stainless steel alloys. Titanium is also significantly more efficient when used...